Title: Christianity without Religion: The Message That’s
Changing the World
By: Paul and Nuala O’Higgins
Review Date: August 4, 2014
A CBM Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
Christianity Without Religion: The Message That’s Changing
the World by Paul and Nuala O’Higgins presents the simple truths of the
entire Gospel. Revealing the timeless
nature of the Good News, the authors offer this book very relevant, even
today, in the 21st century.
Some may wonder what an ancient book has to do with us now? Or some may think that religion is not
what they need. That thought would be
correct as the authors give understanding to the meaning of true Christianity with simplicity and authenticity.
Highlighting relationship and true repentance, without religion, the
authors give a clear and powerful understanding of the new lift Jesus Christ
offers as His free gift to all.
Without legalism or religiosity, the authors focus on
intimacy with Jesus through a simple, yet easy-to-understand format of grace, redemption
and reconciliation. Encouraging and
uplifting, this book presents many scriptural truths that have been so polluted
over the years and opens eyes to the true inheritance in the Kingdom of God for
believers. The author brilliantly
states, “If religion is man’s way to contact God through practice and
rituals, then Christianity is not a religion at all. Religion is man’s effort
to reach God, but Christianity is God’s effort to reconcile us to
Himself.” Readers will be encouraged
and inspired to know of the person, Jesus Christ who gave His life so that all
who believed would come to Him and be forgiven.
Giving insight into the new nature and the Christian
walk, the authors present a book explaining the abundant life, being set free
from sin and reconciled into true fellowship with their creator and King, Jesus
Christ. This is a must-read and crosses
denominational lines, offering the truth of the Cross and points all to
intimacy with Jesus.