Worship WHO? Kiss WHAT? Multitudes of Christian youth,
unknowingly, offer Satan adoration and praise only God deserves while
fellowshipping with the devil through listening to ungodly music.
Kids don't
recognize, when they listen to music representative of Satan's kingdom, they're
giving him the honor, glory and worship he's always desired. This area of their
heart and life isn't totally surrendered to God, consumed with passionately
worshipping Him and Him alone. Nick's personal, "insider-experience"
sheds light on the power possessed by music, to captivate young hearts and
Unlike other books addressing this topic, Nick avoids pointing out
specific, ungodly lyrics. Instead, he challenges attitudes of their heart in
worship to the Lord using solid biblical truth, while teaching valuable life
principles that can be applied no matter where youth find themselves. In Kiss
What?, Nick reveals what God and Satan think about our music listening habits.
Teens will discover who's really receiving their worship, based on their
entertainment choices. They'll journey through the lives of three young
champions for God, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, learning valuable life
lessons and will be challenged to become champions for Jesus Christ.
The Lord
boldly calls youth to make the decision to turn from their ungodly music, trash
the junk and follow Jesus at all cost. Kiss' What? is an excellent teaching
tool for youth pastors and parents. Challenging. Encouraging. Every Christian
teen needs to read this book! Author Nick Costello attained his childhood dream
by becoming a successful rock star, and spent 25 years in the secular music
industry. While living in the fast lane, he fell from rock star to rock bottom.
It was in that place where God miraculously redeemed Nick's life. He's now a
popular evangelist, youth communicator and conference speaker. Visit Nick at Nick Costello.
You may get your copy of Kiss What at Amazon, in Kindle
Edition, at Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.