Title: Twisted Faith (Volume 2)
By: Victoria Schwimley
Review Date: September 1, 2014
A CBM Book Review
9.8 out of 10.0 stars
Victoria Schwimley writes Twisted Faith (Volume 2). This is the second book to the Faith
Series with Pastor David Owens.
Presenting the story of Abby, the pastor has arrived at New Hope Church
to revive a struggling congregation. He
quickly finds that he has stepped into a pit of snakes, as the congregation is
only a bunch of complainers and gossipers.
This is not his only problem as pastor of this new church.
One day as he was shutting down his computer, he receives a
desperate phone call from Abby. Abby is
a teenage single mother who has been relentlessly persecuted from none other
than her own household for disobeying God’s commandments. She is at the point of no return and is
speaking about suicide and she wants to take her young child with her. Pastor Owen’s skills as a pastor are just
about to be put to the test; he never thought he would be called to actually
save someone’s life. Can he help? Is there anything that can change Abby’s
mind? Will God’s love and grace be
Intriguing and fast-paced, this novel could be your story or
someone you know. With a surprising
twist at the end, one will find this novel written with compassion, true to its
characters, with suspense up until the end.
This might be a novel recommended for young teenage mothers, offering
hope and encouragement in validating their feelings of rejection, but showing
there is hope for another brighter day in Jesus Christ.
You may get your copy of Twisted Faith (Volume 2) at Amazon or in Kindle Edition. Be sure to visit Author Victoria Schwimley’s Authors Page to
find more information about her and her book releases.