Title: Rediscovered Early Church PreMillennialism:
Teachings of the Earliest Church Fathers on Prophecy
By: Robert Franklin, D.Min
Review Date: December 15, 2014
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0
Discover what was lost for centuries in Robert Franklin’s, Rediscovered
Early Church PreMillennialism: Teachings of the Earliest Church Fathers on
Prophecy. Derived from what the
early church fathers taught and preached in the writings of The Ante-Nicene
Fathers, learn in this engaging book the beliefs in regards to prophecy
from those who were closest to Christ’s disciples. The author speaks from these early church fathers on the Rapture,
Church signs that precede Christ’s triumphant return, The Tribulation, The
Wrath of the Lamb, Armageddon, The Millennium, The New Heaven and The New
Earth. Well written and easy-to-read,
the author gives a biblical perspective that uncovers the simple truth of
biblical prophecy.
The first section of the book covers prophecy and
interpretation taken from the Ante-Nicene Fathers and their writings, doctrines
and teachings up until approximately 325 A.D.
Combined with a little background of the history of the church, the
author is well versed in biblical theology and offers a well-rounded discussion
that will enlighten and engage readers.
The second half of the book centers on biblical
interpretations in regards to the common areas of concern for most Christians
such as: is there a Rapture, when will it happen, who is the Anti-Christ,
understanding The Great Tribulation that offer sound biblical perspective and
plenty of scripture to support the answers given.
Written by an experienced author with education in seminary
and extensive study in eschatology, both corporately and privately, this read
comes highly recommended as an intriguing and informative read, offering the
truth of scripture, digging deep into the Bible and the long forgotten early
fathers of the early church, presenting understanding and answers wanting to
understand biblical prophecy. Absolutely intriguing!
Get your copy in paperback at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and in Kindle. For more information about the author and his book, visit Author Robert Franklin.