Title: Beyond the Horizon: A Memoir
By: Marvin Wilmes
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
A stirring memoir, Marvin Wilmes, writes on his life,
childhood innocence gained and lost, life’s challenges, family illness, death
and the faith that led him through it all to go Beyond the Horizon. In his book, Beyond the Horizon: A
Memoir the author gives encouragement for those who mourn, as the author
states a paradox never fully understood in that: In all sadness there is
joy; in all joy, there is sadness.
Through this the author writes with purpose to retell his life story and
offers hope to those who mourn, for as the scripture says, “Blessed are those
who mourn; for they shall be comforted.”
Unique in nature, this book is based on that scripture.
Beginning with his childhood, being raised on a farm Wilmes
begins with in Chapter One, “As 1963 dawned, the nation was wrapped in a cocoon
of innocence.” This statement is just a
sampling of his poetic writing and deep writing style that draws others in like
a novel or a movie would begin. As the
book progresses, snip-its of the author’s life relating to the world drama
unveils itself to include: the death of John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War, civil
rights and Martin Luther King Jr. Nostalgic
and classic, this book is worth the read for those that savor life in the “good
old days” and relish the memories that made them into the people that they are
today. Heart-warming and at times
heart-breaking, this book encourages those who have come to terms with life’s
tragedies and challenges. The author
presents hope in pointing them to God and to forgiveness, inspiring all to
continue on towards the future and to let go of the past. This task may seem daunting, as each has
their personal experience in life, still one common thread remains: God is for
us, not against us. He never leaves us,
nor forsakes us and His free gift of life, salvation and life more abundantly
is there for the taking.
For those that love a well-written true life memoir that
captivate the America we used to live in, this book is a must-read as it
intertwines faith, family values and sheds light for those that need a new
beginning; and to those that have experienced tragedy, loss and sickness – he
states there is life Beyond the Horizon.
This book comes highly recommended as a strong testament to a faith in
God, love, family, displaying the power of believing, persevering and that hope
in Jesus Christ can take one through any crisis. A big thumbs up!