Christian Author Gerald Paul Kooyers

Title: Christ Rules in Four Realms: Physical Creation: Souls: Spirits and Hearts
By: Gerald Paul Kooyers
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Christ Rules in Four Realms: Physical Creation: Souls: Spirits and Hearts by Gerald Paul Kooyers reveals Christ as the Supreme Ruler of, “. . .all creation, all imaginations, all spirits and the inner essence of mankind.”  He is God; thus the author relates the importance of His rule as expressed through a significant number - four.  Connecting the physical and the spiritual together with the four realms this book relates the Biblical significance as mirrored from the beginning in Genesis.   Learn how Jesus becomes the tabernacle of worship for all, here on Earth and within all creation, encompassing All of creation on the Earth, created beings and in Heaven. 

Fascinating and with great insight the author takes the readers on an adventure through a Biblical summarization of the meaning, contemplation, reality and function of the number four (presenting the four realms) throughout the Bible, thus presenting that Jesus is the incarnate God that was to dwell among His people in the Tabernacle of Moses.  Intertwined with scripture the author gives account, proof and teaching on who Jesus is based upon Colossians 1:15-17 ~ “. . . He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.”

This is a wonderful book birthed from revelation of God’s Word to a man’s heart, soul and mind to share with the world.  A highly recommended and inspirational read for new and mature believers alike.