A Flight Delayed by KC Lemmer

Title: A Flight Delayed
By: KC Lemmer
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

A Flight Delayed by KC Lemmer is a surprising romantic adventure set in the backdrop of South Africa.  Amanda McCree sets out to fulfill her Great Aunt’s last wish, to carry her remains to Cape Town. Despite her convictions and resentment towards her family, this is the last thing Amanda would want to do.  Very business minded and selfish, this journey puts a real kink in her plans.  Upon her stopover, Amanda finds herself stuck in Bulawayo due to a fuel shortage.  There she finds herself on a journey of self-discovery.  She is offered lodging at some of the area locals during her distress and finds herself at their game reserve home.  Among the locals, she meets the handsome Caleb Jacobs who has a story to tell of his own.  Amanda learns that her life has been rather introspective.  There, Amanda discovers begins to develop a love for Caleb that takes her by surprise.  Amanda also learns and comes to terms with her own family divisions that have separated her from the ones she loves.  Within this delayed flight, Amanda finds a renewed commitment to Christ in understanding that God never abandoned her, although there had been many lonely times. Based on Psalm 68:5-6, Amanda comes to understand that God is her father and a father to the fatherless, a defender of the widow, and that he is Holy, and sets the lonely in families.  Readers will find this Christian romance engaging, inspirational and encouraging.

Throughout the story, the author presents the readers with real life struggles and drama as Amanda copes with her relationships: her anorexic best friend, Caleb’s family and the family ties that have been broken. Highlights of life in Zimbabwe and the desperation people face within a country controlled by greedy dictators gives much to be thankful for here in America.  Beautiful descriptions of the majestic beauty of the Africa are presented with nostalgia, intertwining the heat and dusty run-down conditions of the country.  For the adventurous at heart, this read carries beckoning to visit Africa. 

Along this journey of self-discovery, Amanda learns in the end things about God that she did not know and her delayed journey is only a new beginning as she embarks on a journey of faith, forgiveness and love.  This book carries an invitation ~ an invitation to move forward into the love and beauty of God. Sometimes a delay is only a blessing in disguise… A highly recommended read.