Understanding Roman's Through Revelation

Highly recommended ~ Christian author Bob Dowell, PhD presents Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart: Part Three: Romans Through Revelation.

A three part series written to assist readers in understanding of the Bible – by the mind and the heart (the spirit man).  By taking each book, explaining its context and relating it to the Bible as a whole, the author presents a teaching that is two-fold. “Prosepoe,” developed by the author is a unique and new approach that not only is an interpretative Bible summary of each book, but gives the poetic/symbolic nature of each book. 

Prosepoe enhances the head’s understanding of what it hears and the heart’s understanding of what it feels.  This is a highly recommended way of Bible study that can be utilized within individual study or within small group settings. 

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars