Christian Author Terrell L. Sheppard

Title: By Faith Live Life
By: Terrell L. Sheppard
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

CBM Book Reviews ~ Offering hope to the weary at heart and lighting the path for those whose path has become dim, find purpose, joy and love within this well-written book as the author writes concisely to the Body of Christ to empower victory over defeat

By Faith Live Life by Terrell L. Sheppard is a wonderfully encouraging book written to teach the practical application of life by faith through God’s Word.  This is the kind of book that changes people’s lives!  Based on selected scriptures, the author takes a targeted area of life and applies scripture, teaching that one will be blessed in adhering to Biblical principles that God has set forth in His Word.  The author acknowledges that each person has sorrow and happiness in life, for life is not without difficult challenges.  Unfortunately, these tragedies in life can prevent a person from seeking their destiny and purpose in God.  The author encourages each person to understand that God’s Word does provide answers, giving keen insight into how to overcome, offering spiritual perspective into each life; therefore, unfolding the mystery of the Gospel lived through past patriarchs that give us examples of how to life by faith.

Incredible in nature, the book’s dedication will grab the heart as the author dedicates this book to his late wife (Monica) and their children, family and friends.  As you read on, one discovers that Monica’s motto was to, “Live life everyday like there is no tomorrow and you will have a great day!”  In the spirit of this motivating attitude, the book has been written.  For those that feel they want to give up, the author presents a read that guides readers to let God be the lifter of their heads and learn that a life lived by faith is a life well lived. You will love this book!

With such chapters as: Chosen, Amazing Grace, When It’s Your Time to Shine, A Prescription for Pressing, Fight to Finish, The Audacity of Hope, Just Do It, Live Life on Purpose, There Must Be a God Somewhere, Living to Live Again, We Are More Than Able, God’s Not Finished Yet and What’s Love Got to Do With It the author gives presents clarity and practicality to the Bible, offering believers a way out into finding triumph and joy, through trials that are only obtained through faith and God’s promises.

This book also comes highly recommended for those believers that need encouragement and purpose to drive their lives.  Maturing in faith and hope is the theme in this book, inspiring change for the good and living by faith will enhance one’s Christian walk in overcoming and finding victory.  A highly recommended read for all believers in any stage of life.

Get your copy of By Faith Live Life at Amazon in paperback, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and in NOOK Book.