Title: God’s Best Is Me: Living to Please God
By: Dr. Jeanne Sheffield
ISBN# 978-1-4817-0754-1 (sc)
Review Date: October 18, 2014
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Dr. Jeanne Sheffield has developed God’s Best In Me:
Living to Please God, teaching etiquette and character values to children
and teens. Derived from Christ’s fruits
of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness and self-control), this
impactful study guide transforms lives!
Developed for children ages 6 to 8, 9 to 12 and teens, ages 13 to 17,
the author addresses pivotal issues such as: self-esteem, Christian core
values, manners, modesty in dress and in attitude, a grateful disposition,
communication skills, table setting, jealousy, tactfulness, formal dining and
much, much more – all Christ centered.
As a professional performer in show business, an author,
singer, song writer, professional voice and piano teacher and founder of
Southern Grace Place USA located in NW Washington DC, the author originally developed
this book along with the companion workbook (mentioned below) to assist inner
city at-risk kids that were in need of not only physical care, but also greatly
lacked social skills that would help them to go forward in life. In today’s modern society kids of all geographic backgrounds are sometimes
left alone to fend for themselves through this rough and crude world that is
cold and self-serving. Many of the
morals that our grandparents taught us are being lost and many kids are at risk
of heading down the wrong path. This
exciting book teaches them a different way, a better path – God’s path.
Not only will this study guide keep your child’s interest,
it is also fun and encouraging, teaching proven techniques through the
application of the fruits of the Spirit in an effort to get kids looking up to
God, to become pleasing in His sight and instructing them to learn to walk as
“children of the light.” Packed with
six weeks of teaching with twenty-five topics, children and teens will learn
the high value Christ places on them as they learn to love themselves and others.
This is an amazing study that will transform your child into
who God created them to be. Don’t miss
the study guide companion entitled God’s Best is Your Child for home
school moms which is created to go along with the original study (God’s
Best Is Me) as a teaching study guide for moms.
To find out more about Dr. Jeanne Sheffield, visit Southern Grace Place USA where you will be abundantly blessed. God’s Best Is Me: Living to Please God
can be purchased at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and other
fine online bookstores.