By: Kaysha Sahai
Review Date: October 10, 2014
A CBM Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
Kaysha Sahai writes The Biblical Path to Wellness giving
insight to achieving health, wellenss and divine purpose through the meditation
of God’s Word. This book is worth the
read due to its biblical sound doctrine interweaving the connection of our
spirit with the Word of God. The author
gives testimony to her own path of healing and breaking free from negative
through patterns, giving others hope and healing with the washing of the
Word. Convenient (a short read),
well-written and concise this book has been designed for women that desire
health and wholeness in every area of their lives.
It is a long known fact that most diseases stem through a
psychosomatic connection with the spirit and mind. In this ground-breaking book one will find that health comes from
within. Teaching how to meditate on the
Word of God and to disseminate between negative and positive thoughts, the
author gives a practical foundation to begin to become well through the
application of God’s Word and wisdom to one’s life. Such chapters such as: What is Wellness; Meditation;
Developing and Practicing Faith; Embracing Love; Loving and Accepting Who I Am;
Honoring God with My Body; Being Obedient; Submitting to His Will and Purpose;
Seeking Help for Prayer When Needed; Being Thankful and Journaling
will lead readers to discovering their true Christ-centered identity,
while providing much needed encouragement and a road-map (if you will) to a
life that is first and foremost Christ centered, yet balanced.
This book comes highly recommended for stressed women
seeking more in their life, and that also seek God first. This book clearly lays out a path to
wholeness in a biblical manner, enabling women to come up higher in the walk
with God. This book would even make a
good small group study for women (or young teens) looking to find health and
wholeness within a Christ-centered study guide.
You may get your copy of The Biblical Path to Wellness at Amazon. Be sure to visit Kaysha at Kaysha Sahai for further information and
some great ministry.