Title: Discovering Your Spiritual DNA
By: Peter Wollensack
Review Date: October 9, 2014
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Discovering Your Spiritual DNA by
Peter Wollensack will grab your heart as well as encourage and instruct readers
in discovering their spiritual gifts and their purpose in the body of
Christ. This is a much-needed book on the subject of
gifting, offering practical insight through a simple approach based on sound
biblical principles that makes this book a joy to read, as well as being
inspiring and fascinating. Bringing a clear explanation as to the
operation and purpose of the spiritual gifts within each of us to the
forefront, the author catapults readers into a deeper spiritual understanding
of their own God-given purpose within His Kingdom. This book is truly a
gift to the body of Christ.
From cover to cover, this is a fast-paced read – especially because the book is so insightful. The prologue will touch you . . . speaking of dead dreams, visions and hopes that seemed to dissipate with the years gone by in our lives; we’ve all experienced this dilemma. Wouldn’t it be nice to find a book to steer you in the right direction?
Look no further – highly qualified as a leader, pastor and founder of Harvest Equippers International – Peter Wollensack has written this book to edify the body of Christ. Giving revelation knowledge and scriptural interpretation of the God-given spiritual gifts set inside of you by God, the Father, Wollensack has built a firm biblical foundation offering keen insight and wisdom that will facilitate readers in appreciating their own hidden potential and purpose within God’s Kingdom, enabling and equipping individuals to walk out their God-given destiny.
Highly recommended for new and mature believers alike, the author begins with Chapter One, By Divine Design, leading into the set of 7 gifts mentioned in Romans 12:6-8, which are sometimes known as the “motivational gifts” but which the author terms as the “endowment gifts” because of their prodigious God-given nature. Pastor Peter continues to engage the reader with such chapters as: The God Code Within; The Search Begins; Graced by God; Three Sets of Gifts; Stepping Beyond the Threshold; The Spiritual DNA of an Endowment Gift Prophet, and continues with chapters on The Spiritual DNA of a Server–Minister, Teacher, Encourager–Exhorter, Giver–Sharer, Leader–Administrator, and Mercy Giver. All of these chapters lead to a self-evaluation of a person’s own personal endowment gifts.
This book will make it possible to discover one’s strengths and talents – giving practical application on how to begin operating within your sphere and giftings. This is one of those books that once you read it, you can’t help but pass it on. Not only is Discovering Your Spiritual DNA encouraging and inspiring, it helps a person to find their place to serve God in His Kingdom and is a must-read for every Christian who desires a deeper level of spiritual understanding.
For further information about the author and his books, please visit the author page for Peter Wollensack on Amazon.com. Spanish and German versions are due out in 2015.
You may get your copy of Discovering Your Spiritual DNA at Amazon.
From cover to cover, this is a fast-paced read – especially because the book is so insightful. The prologue will touch you . . . speaking of dead dreams, visions and hopes that seemed to dissipate with the years gone by in our lives; we’ve all experienced this dilemma. Wouldn’t it be nice to find a book to steer you in the right direction?
Look no further – highly qualified as a leader, pastor and founder of Harvest Equippers International – Peter Wollensack has written this book to edify the body of Christ. Giving revelation knowledge and scriptural interpretation of the God-given spiritual gifts set inside of you by God, the Father, Wollensack has built a firm biblical foundation offering keen insight and wisdom that will facilitate readers in appreciating their own hidden potential and purpose within God’s Kingdom, enabling and equipping individuals to walk out their God-given destiny.
Highly recommended for new and mature believers alike, the author begins with Chapter One, By Divine Design, leading into the set of 7 gifts mentioned in Romans 12:6-8, which are sometimes known as the “motivational gifts” but which the author terms as the “endowment gifts” because of their prodigious God-given nature. Pastor Peter continues to engage the reader with such chapters as: The God Code Within; The Search Begins; Graced by God; Three Sets of Gifts; Stepping Beyond the Threshold; The Spiritual DNA of an Endowment Gift Prophet, and continues with chapters on The Spiritual DNA of a Server–Minister, Teacher, Encourager–Exhorter, Giver–Sharer, Leader–Administrator, and Mercy Giver. All of these chapters lead to a self-evaluation of a person’s own personal endowment gifts.
This book will make it possible to discover one’s strengths and talents – giving practical application on how to begin operating within your sphere and giftings. This is one of those books that once you read it, you can’t help but pass it on. Not only is Discovering Your Spiritual DNA encouraging and inspiring, it helps a person to find their place to serve God in His Kingdom and is a must-read for every Christian who desires a deeper level of spiritual understanding.
For further information about the author and his books, please visit the author page for Peter Wollensack on Amazon.com. Spanish and German versions are due out in 2015.
You may get your copy of Discovering Your Spiritual DNA at Amazon.