America, What Happened

Title: The End of Old America: 
What happened to the America we grew up in and love?
Thomas G. Reed
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The End of Old America by Thomas G. Reed speaks of America as it used to be, but is no more.  The days of  the, “. . . traditions of our Founding Fathers, the old ways of honor, duty and love for others, (p.9)” has all but dissipated within our society, falling prey to a humanist agenda, which is a godless and evil agenda.  Today, as the author states, “Personal integrity and the Golden Rule seem relics of our memorable past.”  Capitalism is reverting to socialism; our government has embraced an anti-God and anti-Christ theme and all of these facades are enveloped in a lovely package (known as the humanist agenda or New Age Millennialism), not unlike the proverbial poisoned apple – it looks good, but it’s deadly.  So what has happened to America?  What’s behind all this?  The author reveals much about the spiritual and moral decay of our society resulting in bondage to many Americans.   

This book delves into these question from a multi-faceted view of society, Christianity, politics, economics, the death of capitalism and the coming reformation of America into a godless and humanistic society in which liberals rule, anything goes and socialism reigns – resulting in freedoms lost while evil prevails.  Examining this the author concurrently offers a review of Christianity in America and the state of the lukewarm (aka the powerless) church, as apostasy, selfishness and worldliness wage a strangling effect on any effort for righteous and purity to stand.  Reflecting this against God’s Word, Reed gives the overall picture of the spiritual state of America, addressing all the fronts of the New Age and humanistic viewpoint in this riveting read, waking up others and calling them to stand for the America we grew up in and love.   

You may ask yourself, so what can I or (we) do about the absolute this?  Thomas G. Reed offers solutions, yet feels these too may fail, still he inspires a fire for America that will instill actions to many.  His book is an honest thesis on the state of America giving thought-provoking ammunition for the comrades of America and offering hope to those who would dare stand to take a stand for America.  This book is recommended for those Christians that want to see a positive change and spiritual revival in our country.  Is it too late?  You decide.  A well-written and highly recommended read!