Title: Overcoming Antichrist, Dying to Live
By: Thomas G. Reed
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Overcoming Antichrist: Dying
to Live by Thomas G. Reed offers an eschatological study speaking of the
coming Great Tribulation, the timing of the Rapture, the coming Day of the Lord
and Christ’s Return. With a great
amount of research and Scripture the author presents a book that is
easy-to-read and understand giving an overview of the what to expect in the End
Times and the seven-year Tribulation, known as the Great Tribulation. He breaks up that seven year period, giving
illustrations from the Word of God how the coming prophecies may come to pass
and how events may unfold according to the Bible, shedding light on the mark of
the Beast, the Antichrist, the world system to come and speaks of the days we
are living in, asking the question: Are we close? His book will give one enough knowledge to know what is ahead in
our future, not based upon opinion, but a sound Biblical perspective describing
the coming Tribulation as yet the worst and best of times. If you have ever wondered where are we on
the timeline to Christ’s return and the coming Tribulation – this book is for
you. Not for the faint at heart, this
book is recommended for those that are truly serious about their walk with
Answering many common questions
that Christians have, the author gives hope and encouragement for this time in
history for God’s people meanwhile offering a perspective as to the unrepentant
individual who does not choose God. We
as Christians are told by the Christ to be ye separate, the author
expounds on this mandate of Christ that looks at what the Word of God thus
dispelling popular beliefs in false doctrines that compromise the Word and our
walk with the Lord. This is an End Time
book as one looks at the world we once knew that is quickly declining into
every form of evil and is culminating into a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, in
which eventually God will procure judgment.
The author explains the wrath of God that awaits all those that are not
in right standing with God and explains the deceptiveness of the Antichrist
spirit that is within the world.
Within in this, as a Christian,
being informed makes the unknown not so frightening, as the author warns that
being caught unprepared is not what you want to happen. Being prepared and ready, the author
encourages the bride of Christ to be “ready” for His coming and to be prepared
as the “wise” virgins versus the “foolish” whom were caught unprepared. A must-read for all Christians that is
engaging, fascinating and inspiring.
Available in Kindle Edition or NOOK Book. Get your copy today.