Title: The Christian Faith
A Quick Guide to Understanding its Inter-Workings
Author: Reid A. Ashbaucher
A CBM Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0
Reid A. Ashbaucher in his book, The Christian Faith: A
Quick Guide to Understanding its Inter-Workings, gives a historical
overview of the Christian faith from the beginning. Filled with a multi-faceted
presentation of the compilation of the Bible, the Gospel, to include teachings
on the nature of God, the mysteries of Christ, with an overview of different
doctrines to include the ministry of the Holy Spirit – this book lacks
nothing. Any question you have about
Christianity will be answered in this book as the author presents historical
background, and the beliefs and values of the Christian faith in such a way
that is concise, interesting, accurate, and presents the truth of the
Scriptures and Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
This is one amazing read as the author gives a summary of how books of
the Bible emerged into the canonization, giving his interpretation from a
Protestant perspective, in which he explains also. Easy-to-read and full of facts as scripture from the Bible, the
author tackles a difficult subject and helps readers in understanding the
entirety of the Christian faith.
With teaching from the Old and New Testaments, the author
helps new and mature believers alike.
This short book is designed as a guide to help readers
(unbelievers and also those exploring Christianity) to make better spiritual
decisions for the betterment of their lives.
Discussing the, “nature of Christianity; its origins; the fundamentals
principals; the foundational teachings; and how it answers questions to
everyday life,” (p.13) is what the book covers by boiling down the essentials
of the principles of the Christian faith, so that those examining Christianity
can understand the belief systems and where they came from.
This is a very interesting and highly recommended read that
comes from years of study – giving insight to better understand the Bible as
a whole, the main tenants of the Christian faith and to encourage and edify
the Body of Christ. Many will come to
understand what the Nicene Creed means that has continued on in many Christian
churches today, while also learning the different denominations of the
Christian faith as well. With chapters such as: The Historical Beginning;
The Gospel: From Beginning to End; The Historical Teachings of the Faith; The
Canon and its Translations; The Inter-Workings of the Church; The Book of
Romans: An Essay Perspective on its Teachings to the Church and Study Guide
Suggestions the book is an excellent read.
This book comes highly recommended for those that are
looking to understand the Christian faith and the Bible. Sincerely, all Christians should partake of
this read, whether you are a new believer or curious about the Christian
religion, this book will guide you into a deeper understanding of Scripture
from a biblical and historical perspective, that will lead to a deeper
understanding of God, Kingdom principles and the precious Word of God.
Be sure to get your copy of The Christian Faith: A Quick Guide to Understanding its Inter-Workings in paperback at Amazon and in Kindle Edition.