Peace, Peace, Peace

Title: Peace of Soul: Finding God in a Troubled World
Author: Emanuel Paul
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0

Peace of Soul: Finding God in a Troubled World by Emanuel Paul is written to help others find direction, purpose, peace and true happiness in the pursuit of God.  Presenting God as the only true path in life, the author makes note that life has many different paths, all leading to different destinations, but only one leads to Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).  For those that know we live in a troubled world and want to find true purpose, happiness and inner peace, this book comes highly recommended.  This book teaches one how to find true peace through Jesus Christ.  With much scripture and biblical integrity, this book is one that will build faith and gives understanding to the Gospel.

Well-written and organized upon sound biblical doctrine, this book is recommended for either the individual or the book can be used within a small group setting to be used as a study guide to finding true inner peace.  Uplifting and inspiring, I don’t think there is a person in this world who is not looking to acquire true inner peace - and we can have this peace despite our circumstances.  The author presents a very practical, yet biblical way to live the life of a Saint within this very turbulent world. 

With such chapters as: God’s Love, God’s Commandments, Peace of Soul, True Happiness, Letting Go of Anger and Reconciling with Christ, a Troubled World, Materialism Kills the Soul, The Fall, The Mystery of the Cross (the mystery of our suffering), Finding God’s Ultimate Life Destination, Solitude, Prayer, Service of God (Stewardship) and Ambassador for God one will find hope, encouragement and faith to becoming a child of God.  This is an amazing read and comes highly recommended for giving to friends, family members or strangers that seek peace and happiness in their lives.  This is also a wonderful outreach and tool for evangelism.