Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover

A CBM Christian Author Press Release

Conyers, GA ~ Christian Author Dolores Lee releases Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover depicting an engaging drama involving Satan and his plot against mankind to commit mutiny against the Spirit, thereby thwarting God’s purposes for your life.  .  .

There is a battle for human souls and God’s purpose in your life, waged in the unseen heavenly realm and perpetrated upon the earthly realm.  Discover the subtle power play at work. Mutiny in the Bounty outlines how Satan has managed to keep believers focused on themselves and preoccupied with religious activities, meanwhile working behind the scenes to change our directed paths and orchestrates, what the author believes to be, the 2nd greatest deception to the world and Christendom.  This is all done while we're basking in God's bountiful blessings! Tying this attempted "takeover" to God's End-Time plans for the Church and Israel, the author presents a must read for all!

Uncover the secrets that this powerful writer has given to help those that are lost and the Body of Christ be armed with knowledge to get them back on course. Discover the subtle tactics of the enemy used to render you useless and lead you astray.  Regain the knowledge to get your ship back on course!  Don’t wait until the storm arrives, set a course for victory. 

As a multi-published author, Dolores Lee is a graduate of Philadelphia Biblical University and is the founder of Manasseh Ministries, Inc., a 501 c (3) ministry offering workshops, support groups and speaking engagements to bring wholeness to the broken.  Her beliefs have always been that Jesus heals from the inside out. Her writings come with a background of much biblical understanding and she encourages all to follow the true Master, Jesus.

Mutiny in the Bounty
By Dolores Lee
Get your copy at
