Press Release, King, NC ~ The Common Thread: Uncovering the History of the Christian Faith

A CBM Christian Author Press Release

King, NC ~ The Common Thread: Uncovering the History of the Christian Faith (Debunking the Myths) (Volume I) by John and Kristie Gentry is a series that uncovers a common thread ~ thereby linking similarities between world religions, beginning with basic Christianity.  The authors then delve into Judaism and flow into a context offering an intriguing read, presenting examination of all other main world religions to include: Islam, Hinduism, the scientific theories, indigenous tribes throughout the world and many, many more.  The authors reveal the common threads within religion throughout the ages, meanwhile dispelling many common myths.   This is an amazing, informative and well-written book for those that desire a deeper understanding of the Bible, the Christian faith and world religions. 

This is worthwhile and well-researched read giving the basic tenants of each religion to give a better understanding of why religion is so important to mankind.  Enlightening and through-provoking, this read is also for anyone who wants to better understand the Christian faith and world religions as a whole.  
  • Series: Debunking the Myths
  • Authors: John and Kristie Gentry
  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 19, 2015)
  • Language: English ISBN-10: 1500185272 ISBN-13: 978-1500185275
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.6 x 11 inches

Debunking the Myths is available at Amazon  and in Kindle.
