Mutiny in the Bounty ~ A Subtle Spiritual Takeover

Title: Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover
By: Dolores Lee
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Dolores Lee writes Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover  ~ This is a book that all Christians should read.  Describing the battle that comes to rob, steal and destroy, perpetrated upon the human race by none other than Satan, the author lays out the subtle plan of Satan to get one off course, rendering one useless in regards to their purpose in God’s universal plan. His plan has not changed, is from ancient of times, they are subtle and Satan knows the human race better than we do.  There is a battle for souls raging in the heavenly realms, with its purpose to have one commit mutiny against the Spirit, giving way for Satan to be at the help of your ship (life.)

The author has written a concise book outlining how Satan has managed to keep us (believers) focused on ourselves and preoccupied with religious activities while he works behind the scenes to change our directed paths and orchestrates, what she believes to be, the 2nd greatest deception to the world and Christendom.  This is all done while we're basking in God's bountiful blessings!  She ties this attempted "takeover" to God's End-Time Plans for the Church and Israel!  This is a must read!

Ignorance is not bliss; this is a wake-up call to all Christians and unbelievers alike.  Giving knowledge to defeat the enemy and find victory through all the deception, this is a fantastic and informative read.  Biblically based, with much scripture, the author advises to not wait until the storm hits, but addresses the issue of this deception of Satan by instructing readers on how to get back on course for their life.

A very highly recommended must read!  Get it at Amazon in paperback, in Kindle and at Barnes and Noble