New Book Release ~ Library, Volume I

Title: Karen Marie’s Library, Volume I
By: Karen Marie
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Karen Marie’s Library, Volume I by Karen Marie is a series as Volume I and 2 ~ Each unique and a collection of writings centered on Jesus, listening to the His Spirit, understanding the cost of salvation, the work of the cross and much, much more.  As an artist and watercolor painter, Karen Marie has included original works of art, including a painting of her mother’s favorite flower ~ a purple pansy (my favorite flower as well.)  Each chapter is tastefully done and speaks a message to the soul.  Young and old readers alike will glean words that speak of remembering the sacrifice made at the cross, in which Christ gave his life just for you.

As an inspirational collection, beginning with her first experience to the library at the age of eight, the author relishes the day her mother introduced her to the library and a cherry coke the same day.  Sweet, this story will take you back as one ponders childhood, redemption, the Word of God ~ reminding all to be aware and thankful for the sacrifice of Christ.  Karen Marie, being a unique child, went looking for a Bible her first day and concluded this library must be a “God” place since there was a Bible. 

Volume 1 includes artwork and images to enhance her writings from her travels around that world that include such unique displays of frescos, mosaics and a bas relief from St. Peter’s Church and St. Andrew’s Church in Italy.  She continues with such chapters as: Wisdom of the Prey; Against the Law of Lift; It Doesn’t Matter; Garden of Healing; The Resistance Movement; Preservation Place; No Return; The Changing of the Guard and You Stand Up For Me, all inspiring and encouraging prophetic words to bring encouragement, hope and glory to God.

This collection is beautifully illustrated; they are the size of a children’s book and the collection is recommended for all ages, young children (7 and up) alike.  Her artwork and frescos from other places of the world inspire and educate as she speaks of Jesus, the lover of the soul.  Recommended as a gift collection for someone special! 

Order your copy of Karen Marie’s Library, Volume I today.