Title: Karen Marie’s Library, Volume 2
By: Karen Marie
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Karen Marie’s Library, Volume 2 is a
series as Volume I and 2 ~ Volume 2 speaks of quiet places in where one may
hear the voice of God speak to them. Unique, this series includes writings that
are described from the author’s information given from the “library in Heaven.”
This is unique concept and these chapters capture moments, words and are unique
in that they are centered on Jesus, listening to the His Spirit, focusing on
the sacrifice of Christ, redemption and the work of the cross and much, much
As an artist and watercolor painter, Karen Marie has
included original works of art, all tastefully and beautifully done as she
includes scripture to uplift and encourage.
Such chapters include: Young and old readers alike will glean words that
speak of remembering the sacrifice made at the cross, in which Christ gave his
life just for you.