Title: The Chase
By: Dr. Kirk Lewis
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
The Chase by Dr. Kirk Lewis speaks of the passionate
pursuit of God as a life worth living.
Taking Biblical recreations of those that met the Son of Man, Jesus, the
author relates their journeys through a Biblical perspective of New Testament
stories, shedding new insight to some familiar lessons offering faith, Kingdom
principles and mysteries that will enhance and encourage a deeper walk with the
Lord. Introducing believers and non-believers alike to those that walked
alongside Jesus, Lewis poignantly and poetically reveals what their thoughts,
actions and confusion may have been ~ making one feel enveloped within the
scripture, as if one was right there. Readers will get a glimpse into spiritual
truths and the mysteries of God that Scripture speak of that will bring
transformation and change to one’s perspective ~ from a worldly view to a
Kingdom view. This book implores
individuals to seek, knock and find the purpose of life ~ passionately pursing
and walking with God ~ thus beginning The Chase after God’s own
With such chapters as: Craving the Chase, The
Discomforting Cost of Discipleship, Out on a Limb, No Storm Too Great, Enter
His Gates, Making It Personal, Thirsty No More, Gratitude of the Heart, To See
Things Clearly, and A Tale of Two Hearts the author offers readers a
enjoyable simple read, but also gives a challenging book that culminate in
one’s pursuit of life with Christ, making one useful in His Kingdom. One may ask, What does that mean? The author gives clues, answers and
testimony through scripture within the New Testament pages and stories that
capture the answers to these questions.
You may see yourself through the pages, making this a relevant and
inspirational read that instructs others in Kingdom principles ~ a highly
recommended way to get to know Jesus more intimately.
Get your copy of The Chase at Amazon, in Kindle and at other fine online bookstores.