Take Your Sandals Off: A Daily Walk in His Presence

Title: Take Your Sandals Off: A Daily Walk in His Presence
By: Roberto Hernandez
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Take Your Sandals Off: A Daily Walk in His Presence by Roberto Hernandez reveals the mysteries of God, spiritual truths and God’s purpose for you and His creation through a series of simple conversations with a boy named Tommy. Tommy was a thirteen year-old boy who had no one to turn to for advice in helping him understand who was God was and why having a personal relationship with Him was important. To him church was religious and a waste of time. His parents were unable to teach him, as they did not agree. He was lost and had questions about God.

Thus, this is how the book begins. Beginning with the Biblical story of Moses and the burning bush, the author reveals God through a series of scriptural lessons intertwined with wise counsel from a solid Biblical perspective that are meant to instruct one how to live a holy life dedicated to the Lord; therefore, throughout the book giving daily instruction is given on what it means to be holy, set apart and dedicated to the Lord, in that one separates from worldly perspective to Kingdom understanding.

Reiterating teachings revealed to the author by the Holy Spirit, readers will glean insight from creation, the exodus of the Israelites, the story of Noah, the life of Moses and his transformation, and continues with examples from the lives of: Elijah, Joseph, Esther, Jesus, and so much more. Emphasizing that it is the Spirit that teaches all things, thus revealing the things of God, the author speaks wisdom that will give instruction and guidance for daily living by abiding in His presence, therefore culminating in living a life separated and dedicated to truly serving the Lord.

Recommended for new or mature believers alike, the author is a minister and men’s group leader with much knowledge in Scripture and advocates a personal walk with God. Readers will find this book enriching and enlightening.  This is also a wonderful evangelistic tool, helping others understand that seeking God’s face is not religious at all, but a personal pursuit that all mankind was created for. A highly recommended read.