Title: Karen Marie’s Rainbow Days, Book #1
By: Karen Marie Schalk
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Karen Marie’s Rainbow Days, Book #1 by Karen Marie
Schalk gives inspiration through a unique collection of historical works of art
gathered from the author’s journeys afar and water colors painted from heaven’s
rain. Readers will be engaged and
enlightened in many different ways as the author poetically speaks of Jesus,
His work on the cross and His eternal promises. In this particular book, the author has chosen to reiterate some
of the promises of God that promise such blessings as hope, faith and
sustenance. She offers encouragement,
gratitude and hope in through this creative series.
Created for adults and older children, one will
appreciate the Biblical foundation that the book stems from as the author
praises Jesus in all His wondrous ways.
With such chapters as: A Little Bird Told Me, The Greatest Reception
Room, All My heart, A People For His name, happy Round About Campers, The
Resolution, A Certain Man, Naturally Me, As Long as I am Able, Bouquet of
Trust, What a Bulb, and Eternal Flower readers will glean from the
beautiful writings of this gifted author and artist. Readers will be
wonderfully delighted. ~ Another must read by Karen.