Title: The Narrow Way, Book 1
By: Karen Marie Schalk
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
The Narrow Way, Book 1 by Karen Marie Schalk is, “a
writers stories concerning the pictures which reside in the book: “The Gospels
of Art.” Captivating the message behind
the art that aren’t readily preached in today’s churches, the author culminates
these Gospel of Art images that speak of Christ’s Deity as the Son of God, sent
to die for all mankind’s sin, faith beyond a shadow of a doubt in the early
believers’ lives, Jesus’ accusation and the washing of Pontius Pilate’s hands
as the Son of God was to “wash away” the sins of the world. Focusing on believers on the precious work
Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself on the cross, one will appreciate and ponder one’s
salvation ~ understanding the high price paid for their life.
Inspiring and Uplifting ~ This collection describes
the holiness of Christ and gives insights into many images the author has
personally viewed that she has shared for your enrichment: spiritually, so that
you may grow and remember the One who died for you. This is a highly recommended gift collection that offers
education in the arts as some may never travel to see these historical pieces
of art. Book one is also accompanied by
The Narrow Way, Book 2. Another great book and read for everyone.