Title: The Narrow Way, Book 2
By: Karen Marie Schalk
ISBN #978-978-0-9825483-7-0
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
The Narrow Way, Book 2 by Karen Marie Schalk
continues her series of images from the “Gospel of Art” that captivate messages
told in Scripture and the message of the Gospel. Christ died for all and
beginning with the story of the rich man who went away sorrowful, for he owned
many possessions. Jesus told him to give away all and follow him. He could not
continue his pursuit . . . we are told to have no idols and to put God first,
but he could not lose his riches, for his possessions were too many. How could he possibly give away all his
riches. This story and artwork that
accompanies the rest of the book will uplift, give insight and hope to all who
view and read this series.
One will continue to ponder the wonder of the work of
salvation ~ as the stone was rolled away with historic artwork, revealing
Jesus’ body gone, the seal broken. . . . He had resurrected. The author’s writings encompass powerful
statements derived from Scripture that will help one to understand their
salvation and value of Christ unto salvation ~ as he died for all of
mankind. Awe-inspiring, this book
offers a visual and literacy mastery that is unique, poetic and woven together
in a collective series that gives honor and glory to God.