Title: You’ve Been Warned
By: Henry Miranda
Review Date: February 20, 2015
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0
You’ve Been Warned by
Henry Miranda is an intriguing book.
One that will captivate the soul and asks this question: Are you ready
for Christ’s return? Giving keen
insight from a Biblical and scriptural perspective the author reveals mankind’s
plight from the beginning, it seems we are all bent on evil. Ever think you’re a good person and that you
will go to Heaven? This book explains
the path to Heaven (the straight path) and gives clear understanding to the
unbelieving and the born again Christian why they need salvation, meanwhile
while teaching born again believers who they are in Christ with many chapters
that are rich with Scripture and scriptural application, giving one the
knowledge of how to grow in Christ. One
will additionally find teaching on how to avoid pitfalls, deception, and the
author gives keen insight into such subjects as: sanctification, healing,
deliverance, and strongholds.
Presenting a foundational background of the spiritual realm, the author
reveals mankind’s plight on Earth whether one believes in Jesus Christ or
not. There is a battle for your soul;
the fight is real and it’s your choice to choose which path you shall walk –
God gives you a choice – choose Him.
With solid doctrine, Henry Miranda, offers hope, instruction and
encouragement in preparing for Christ’s return.
Uplifting and insightful, this
book comes highly recommended for those that doubt God, don’t believe or
“think” they are going to Heaven because they are a good person. Think again. . . the author states, “You’ve
Been Warned,” and boldly speaks the truth of the Gospel in love, giving others
knowledge to make an informed decision to make Jesus Christ their Lord and
Savior of their life in preparation for eternal life and Christ’s return. A must-read for those who don’t believe
there is a God, but yet also ministers to those who have chosen Christ offering
hope and encouragement for a godly life in the present, preparing for the
future. The author encourages all to
study the Scriptures, lest we be deceived!
Get your copy in paperback at Amazon or in Kindle Edition.