Title: Eternal Life
By: Henry Miranda
Review Date: February 20, 2015
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0
Eternal Life by Henry
Miranda gives understanding to the straight and narrow path leading to eternal
life or the broad path leading to destruction wherein many shall go. You choose.
There are two paths. This book
clearly lays out what Scripture speaks of in regards to both. Giving insight to even the simplest person,
one will come to understand that we are not put on this Earth to aimlessly
wander in our daily lives, only living to “make a living.” Clearly, put our Creator desires
“fellowship” with us, His creation.
Henry Miranda gives a Biblical overview of what path to choose while
building a foundation that speaks of purpose, choice, salvation, the gate, the
Holy Spirit, giving understanding to the Christian journey and hope for
perseverance. Filled and constructed
from Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, one will come to understand the need
for a Savior.
Henry Miranda writes with
Biblical wisdom, honesty and integrity from a desire to see all saved in light
of eternity and Jesus Christ. He sounds
a trumpet in this book, gives a wake-up call from the mundane and boldly
preaches the Gospel without compromise.
This book comes highly recommended as an evangelistic tool, spreading
the Good News of the Gospel and encouraging all to believe and receive Christ
as their Lord and Savior.